Nearest relative

A nearest relative is a person who has certain rights and powers under the Mental Health Act in respect of the patient for whom they are the nearest relative. The nearest relative of a patient is often a close family member or partner.

If you are the nearest relative of a patient who is detained or subject to certain orders made under the Mental Health Act you may be able to apply to the Mental Health Review Tribunal for Wales to have the patient’s case reviewed.

The nearest relative may also be able to attend the tribunal hearing.

  • Applications by the patient’s nearest relative: applications to have a case reviewed can in certain circumstances be made by the patient’s nearest relative. Go to (Application Form MHRTW - 02).

Our guidance booklets contain important information about:

  • How to make an application, who can make an application, the time-limits for making an application and the tribunal’s procedures. Go to (Guidance Booklet MHRTW - 06)

Our application form and guidance booklets can be downloaded below. If you have problems downloading any of the forms or guidance or you would like them in a different format please contact us.